Academic Innovations
Academic Innovations

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State Specific Standards

Click the appropriate link below to see how the materials from Academic Innovations correlate to your State Specific Standards. If your state isn't listed, check back soon or email us your specific request.. As new information becomes available it will be added to the site. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click on the icon below to download.


* Alabama - Career Preparedness Course Outline
* Arizona - Career Exploration
* Colorado - Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP)
* Georgia - Coordinated Vocational Academic Education (CVAE)
* Georgia - Quality Core Curriculum (English & Information Technology)
* Hawaii - Personal/Transition Plan (PTP)
* Illinois - Workskills and Career Development
* Indiana - Career Planning and Success Skills
* Indiana - Orientation to Life & Careers (FACS)
* Kansas - Career and Life Planning Course Standards
* Kentucky - Vocational Studies Standards
* Maine - Career Preparation
* Mississippi - Vo-Tech 21st Century Skills
* New Jersey - Work Readiness
* New York - Career Development
* North Carolina - Career Management
* Ohio - Student Success Plan (Gr. 8-12)
* Ohio - Career-Based Intervention Pathway
* Oregon - Career-Related Learning
* Pennsylvania - Career Education & Work (Grade 8)
* Tennessee - Career Management Success
* Texas - Investigating Careers/College and Career Readiness


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