Career Choices Fits School’s Mission and District’s Goals

Ygnacio Valley High School, Concord, California - Bronze Medal

According to their mission statement, Ygnacio Valley High School, located in Concord, California, is a school where “student success comes through rigorous academics, physical well-being, positive social interaction, and preparedness for high school education and the workforce.”

In 2008, Ygnacio Valley High School began implementing the Career Choices curriculum. Conducted by Sasha Robinson and five other enthusiastic teachers, Career Choices has become deeply imbedded across the school’s entire curriculum. In 2015, the program was expanded and now 100% of the 300-member freshman class takes the semester-long course.

Ms. Robinson shared that “Efa Huckaby, our principal, has been fully committed and shown that commitment by making room in the schedule for the classes and by sending teachers to every available training.”

In addition to that training, the technical and program support from Academic Innovations “has made it all so very exciting and accessible,” according to Ms. Robinson.

“The Career Choices curriculum fits perfectly not only with the school’s Mission Statement but also with the district’s goals in meeting the A-G Requirements,” stated Ms. Robinson.

As any hopeful high school student applying for admission to the University of California and California State University systems knows, A-G subject requirements help ensure that students have acquired the “general knowledge that will provide breadth and perspective to new, more advanced study.”

When asked about individual student successes, Ms. Robinson replied, “There have been so many, but two, in particular, stand out, Albert and Ginny. Their career goals have changed drastically and each is now looking forward to continuing their education at the post-secondary level, as they research future career opportunities in Health and Education.”

“The D’s and F’s from this year’s sophomore class have been substantially reduced and, in addition, more significantly, this year’s OCR Survey concluded that they were impressed with our overall progress and that better communication with our students was particularly noteworthy,” Ms. Robinson concluded.